The lists are in alphabetical order by breed. I have listed both where adults (A) and youngsters (Y) should go for the large sections.
Large Sections
Abaco Barb - Other American (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Akhal Teke - Other Purebred Light Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
American Quarter Horse - American Quarter Horse (A), Stock Youngstock (Y)
American Quarter Pony - Other Purebred Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
American Saddlebred - Gaited (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
American Shetland - Other Purebred Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
American Sport Horse - Warmblood/Sport Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
American Spotted Pony - Other Purebred Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
American Standardbred - Other American (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
American Warmblood - Warmblood/Sport Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Andalusian - Iberian (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Anglo Arab - Other Partbred Horse (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Appaloosa - Appaloosa (A), Stock Youngstock (Y)
Appaloosa Sport Horse - Warmblood/Sport Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Appaloosa Warmblood - Warmblood/Sport Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Appendix Quarter Horse - Other Partbred Horse (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Arabian - Arabian (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Araloosa - Other Partbred Horse (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Ardennes - European Heavy Horse (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Australian Stock Horse - Other Purebred Light Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Azteca - Other American (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Bashkir Curly - Other American (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Belgium Draught - European Heavy Horse (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Black Forest - European Heavy Horse (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
British Sport Horse - Warmblood/Sport Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
British Spotted Pony - Other Purebred Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Camargue - European Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Campolina - Gaited (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Chincoteague Pony - Other Purebred Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Cleveland Bay - Other European Light Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Clydesdale - UK Heavy Horse (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Cob - Gypsy Vanner and Cob (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Cob Pony - Other Partbred Pony (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Comtois - European Heavy Horse (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Connemara - British Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Dales - British Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Dartmoor - British Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Decorator - Fantasy & Decorator (A), Other Youngstock (Y)
Donkey - Other Equine (A), Other Youngstock (Y)
Dutch Warmblood - Warmblood/Sport Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
English Warmblood - Warmblood/Sport Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Eriskay - British Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Exmoor - British Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Falabella - Other Purebred Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Fell - British Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Fjord - European Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Friesian - Other European Light Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Georgian Grande - Other American (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
German Sport Horse - Warmblood/Sport Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Gypsy Vanner - Gypsy Vanner/Cob (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Hackney - Other Purebred Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Haflinger - European Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Hanoverian - Warmblood/Sport Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Highland - British Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Holstein - Warmblood/Sport Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Hunter - Other Partbred Horse (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Hunter Pony - Riding Pony, Hunter Pony & Polo Pony (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Icelandic - European Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Irish Draught - Other European Light Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Kladruber - Other European Light Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Knabstrupper (Carriage) - Other European Light Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Knabstrupper (Sport) - Warmblood/Sport Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Knabstrupper (Pony) - Other Purebred Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
KWPN - Warmblood/Sport Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Light Hack - Other Partbred Horse (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Lipizzaner - Iberian (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Lundy Pony - European Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Lusitano - Iberian (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Marwari - Other Purebred Light Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Mecklenberger - Warmblood/Sport Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Middleweight Hunter - Other Partbred Horse (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Miniature Horse - Other Purebred Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Morab - Other Partbred Horse (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Morgan - Other American (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Mule - Other Equine (A), Other Youngstock (Y)
Mustang - Other American (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
National Show Horse - Other American (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
New Forest - British Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Noriker - European Heavy Horse (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Norman Cob - Other Partbred Horse (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
North American Spotted Draft - Other Heavy Horse (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Paint - Paint (A), Stock Youngstock (Y)
Paso Fino - Gaited (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Pegasus - Fantasy/Decorator (A), Other Youngstock (Y)
Percheron - European Heavy Horse (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Peruvian Paso - Gaited (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Pintabian - Other Partbred Horse (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Poitou Donkey - Other Equine (A), Other Youngstock (Y)
Polo Pony - Riding Pony, Hunter Pony & Polo Pony (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Pony of the Americas - Other Purebred Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Przwalskii Horse - Other Equine (A), Other Youngstock (Y)
Quagga - Other Equine (A), Other Youngstock (Y)
Quarab - Other Partbred Horse (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Riding Pony - Riding Pony, Hunter Pony & Polo Pony (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Shetland - British Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Shire - UK Heavy Horse (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Show Pony - Riding Pony, Hunter Pony & Polo Pony (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Sorria - Other European Light Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Spanish Mustang - Other American (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Sport Horse - Warmblood/Sport Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Suffolk Punch - UK Heavy Horse (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Sugar Bush Draft Horse - Other Heavy Horse (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Swedish Drafter - European Heavy Horse (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Swedish Trotter - Other European Light Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Tennessee Walking Horse - Gaited (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Thoroughbred - Thoroughbred (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Tinker Pony - Other Partbred Pony (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Trait du Nord - European Heavy Horse (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Trakehner - Warmblood/Sport Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Tugipaard Harness Horse - Other European Light Horse (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Unicorn - Fantasy & Decorator (A), Other Youngstock (Y)
Walkaloosa - Gaited (A), Light Youngstock (Y)
Welsh A - British Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Welsh B - British Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Welsh C - British Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Welsh D - British Native Pony (A), Heavy and Pony Youngstock (Y)
Working Hunter Pony - Riding Pony, Hunter Pony & Polo Pony (A), Partbred Youngstock (Y)
Zebra - Other Equine (A), Other Youngstock (Y)
Zonkey - Other Equine (A), Other Youngstock (Y)
Zorse - Other Equine (A), Other Youngstock (Y)
Small Sections
All youngstock and foals go into the same class so this is only for adults :)
Abaco Barb - Other American
Akhal Teke - Other Purebred Horse
American Quarter Horse - American Stock Horse
American Quarter Pony - Other Purebred Pony
American Saddlebred - Gaited
American Shetland - Other Purebred Pony
American Sport Horse - Other American
American Spotted Pony - Other Purebred Pony
American Standardbred - Other American
American Warmblood - Other American
Andalusian - Other Purebred Horse
Anglo Arab - Other Partbred Horse
Appaloosa - American Stock Horse
Appaloosa Sport Horse - Other Purebred Horse
Appaloosa Warmblood - Other Purebred Horse
Appendix Quarter Horse - Other Partbred Horse
Arabian - Arabian
Araloosa - Other Partbred Horse
Ardennes - Other Heavy Horse
Australian Stock Horse - Other Purebred Horse
Azteca - Other American
Bashkir Curly - Other American
Belgium Draught - Other Heavy Horse
Black Forest - Other Heavy Horse
British Sport Horse - Other Purebred Horse
British Spotted Pony - Other Purebred Pony
Camargue - Other Purebred Pony
Campolina - Other American
Chincoteague Pony - Other Purebred Pony
Cleveland Bay - Other Purebred Horse
Clydesdale - UK Heavy Horse
Cob - Cob/Vanner
Cob Pony - Other Partbred Horse and Pony
Comtois - Other Heavy Horse
Connemara - British Native Pony
Dales - British Native Pony
Dartmoor - British Native Pony
Decorator - Fantasy & Decorator
Donkey - Other Equine
Dutch Warmblood - Other Purebred Horse
English Warmblood - Other Purebred Horse
Eriskay - British Native Pony
Exmoor - British Native Pony
Falabella - Other Purebred Pony
Fell - British Native Pony
Fjord - Other Purebred Pony
Friesian - Other Purebred Horse
Georgian Grande - Other American
German Sport Horse - Other Purebred Horse
Gypsy Vanner - Cob/Vanner
Hackney - Other Purebred Pony
Haflinger - Other Purebred Pony
Hanoverian - Other Purebred Horse
Highland - British Native Pony
Holstein - Other Purebred Horse
Hunter - Other Partbred Horse & Pony
Hunter Pony - Other Partbred Horse & Pony
Icelandic - Other Purebred Pony
Irish Draught - Other Purebred Horse
Kladruber - Other Purebred Horse
Knabstrupper (Carriage) -Other Purebred Horse
Knabstrupper (Sport) - Other Purebred Horse
Knabstrupper (Pony) - Other Purebred Pony
KWPN - Other Purebred Horse
Light Hack - Other Partbred Horse & Pony
Lipizzaner - Other Purebred Horse
Lundy Pony - Other Purebred Pony
Lusitano - Other Purebred Horse
Marwari - Other Purebred Horse
Mecklenberger - Other Purebred Horse
Middleweight Hunter - Other Partbred Horse & Pony
Miniature Horse - Other Purebred Pony
Morab - Other Partbred Horse & Pony
Morgan - Other American
Mule - Other Equine
Mustang - Other American
National Show Horse - Other Partbred Horse & Pony
New Forest - British Native Pony
Noriker - Other Heavy Horse
Norman Cob - Other Partbred Horse & Pony
North American Spotted Draft - Other Heavy Horse
Paint - American Stock Horse
Paso Fino - Gaited
Pegasus - Fantasy & Decorator
Percheron - Other Heavy Horse
Peruvian Paso - Gaited
Pintabian - Other Partbred Horse & Pony
Poitou Donkey - Other Equine
Polo Pony - Other Partbred Horse & Pony
Pony of the Americas - Other Purebred Pony
Przwalskii Horse - Other Equine
Quagga - Other Equine
Quarab - Other Partbred Horse & Pony
Riding Pony - Other Partbred Horse & Pony
Shetland - British Native Pony
Shire - UK Heavy Horse
Show Pony - Other Partbred Horse & Pony
Sorria - Other Purebred Horse
Spanish Mustang - Other American
Sport Horse - Other Purebred Horse
Suffolk Punch - UK Heavy Horse
Sugar Bush Draft Horse - Other Heavy Horse
Swedish Drafter - Other Heavy Horse
Swedish Trotter - Other Purebred Horse
Tennessee Walking Horse - Gaited
Thoroughbred - Thoroughbred
Tinker Pony - Other Partbred Horse/Pony
Trait du Nord - Other Heavy Horse
Trakehner - Other Purebred Horse
Tugipaard Harness Horse - Other Purebred Horse
Unicorn - Fantasy & Decorator
Walkaloosa - Gaited
Welsh A - British Native Pony
Welsh B - British Native Pony
Welsh C - British Native Pony
Welsh D - British Native Pony
Working Hunter Pony - Other Partbred Horse/Pony
Zebra - Other Equine
Zonkey - Other Equine
Zorse - Other Equine
Other Sections
Below is a run through of each class with a brief description
118 - Collectability
This is for any original finish model horse. Please provide documentation detailing the name of the model, model number and the number of that model produced. Provide a certificate of authenticity if applicable.
Horses are judged on their 'collectability' rather than breed standard.
119 - Medallion & Bust
A medallion is a flat sculpture (usually of a horses head) and often on a round base. May be painted or unpainted.
A bust is a sculpture of the horse's head and neck. May be painted or unpainted.
120 - Mare & Foal
A mare with her foal.
121 - Best custom by owner
Horse should be custom painted by you in some way. Includes artists resins.
122 - Owner's Favourite Model
Please provide details as to why the model is your favourite - it is up to the judge how they judge this one!
123 - Other Animal
Any non-equine animal, includes fantasy creatures.
124 - Vintage
Any model horse that is older than 15 years old.
125 - Best tack by owner
You may display your tack on or off a model but all tack shown must be your own. Please do not use riders if you are showing a tacked up horse so the judged can assess your tack workmanship.
126 - Funniest Scene
Create a funny scene for the judge!
127 - Conga
At least three horses on the same mould. May include customs as well as original finish models.
For workmanship classes horses with more than minimal sabino markings must be shown in sabino.
If you have a horse with minimal sabino markings you are welcome to choose where to show them.
Where I say horse I mean horse/pony/other equines.
74 - Bay
Any solid bay coloured horse/pony
75 - Black
Any solid black coloured horse/pony
76 - Chestnut
Any solid chestnut coloured horse/pony
77 - Grey
Any solid grey horse/pony
78 - Dun/Grulla
Any solid coloured horse with a dorsal stripe
79 - Buckkin
Solid buckskin horse/pony (bay + cream)
80 - Palomino
Solid palomino horse/pony (chestnut + cream)
81 - Double Dilute
Any horse/pony with more than one dilute gene. Would include cremello, perlino & smokey cream as well as something like a champagne + cream.
82 - Other Dilute
Any other dilutes, would include smokey black, champagne & mushroom.
83 - Sabino
Any horse with sabino markings (all horses with more than minimal sabino must be shown in this class)
84 - Traditional & Classic Scale Pinto
Any horse that is Traditional or Classic scale and shows evidence of pinto markings. Includes tobiano, overo, splash and tovero.
85 - Other Scale Pinto
Any horse in scales other than Traditional or Classic that shows evidence of pinto markings. Includes tobiano, overo, splash and tovero.
86 - Leopard Spot
Any leopard spot horse, includes semi leopard spot and minimal leopard spot.
87 - Blanket Spot
Any blanket spot horse, including extended blanket.
88 - Other Spotted
Any other spotted horse. Includes snowflake, snowcap and few spot.
89 - Roan
Any solid roan horse/pony.
90 - Fantasy & Decorator
Any unrealistic paint jobs or horses with extra bits (horns, wings etc)
I am aware that I forgot other colour. Please put browns in bay, brindles in other dilute, rabicano in roan and pintaloosa in pinto. If you have another colour that I've missed please shout.
Please provide reference for all performance entries (English Ridden and Western Pleasure are fine without). Reference should include patterns/courses (where relevant) and the level at which the event is being competed at (e.g. CCI***)
91 - English Jumping
Any English event over fences. Would include show jumping, cross country and working hunter.
92 - English Ridden Horse & Pony
Includes side-saddle as well as forward saddle. Horse should be shown with no more props than a base.
93 - Dressage
Any level English dressage event.
94 - Pony Club/Mounted Games
Any English pony club, gymkhana or mounted games
95 - Other English Performance
Any other event which is competed under a forward English style saddle. Would include racing, hunting and English pleasure. Would also include English in hand events.
96 - Western Pleasure
Any level Western pleasure entry.
97 - Western Games
Any Western games event. Would include barrel racing, flag races and egg and spoon races.
98 - Western Trail
Includes both arena and natural trail.
99 - Western showmanship
For all breed, horses are shown in hand with a handler.
100 - Other Western Performance
Any other event competed under a Western saddle. Would include roping and reining.
101 - Arabian Costume
Includes both Native and Hollywood styles
102 - Other Costume
Any other costume, would include Native American, Fancy Dress & Historical
103 - Driven
Any driven entry, competitive or non-competitive.
104 - Other Performance
Any other performance entry.
105 - Scene
Any style scene entry. Please note there will be a maximum of 10 minutes to set up!!!
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